“Get Well” Fibromyalgia group

The Crunch Grocer 1461 E Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland, CO, United States

Each month, we have a different speaker. At this meetup we are pleased to have Sherri Ritchie, PA-C from Mallory Family Wellness talk about the importance thyroid health, a often under treated condition. The “Get Well” Fibromyalgia support group in being hosted in partnership between the Fibromyalgia Coalition International, based in Kansas City, KS, and […]

Say Goodbye to the Pain Holding You Down

Natural Grocer Fort Collins 4318 S College Ave, Fort Collins, Colorado

Learn the 5 top nutritional deficiencies leading to pain and fatigue as well as tasty foods rich in those nutrients, the roles hormones play in making every muscle ache and the telltale tests doctors may not run, how your current exercise program may be working against you and how to move smarter. Come learn how […]

“Get Well” Fibromyalgia group

The Crunch Grocer 1461 E Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland, CO, United States

Each month, we have a different speaker. This month we are pleased to have Angela Clark of the Kai Inside talk about neuroplasticity and how we can rewire our brains to change chronic pain patterns. The “Get Well” Fibromyalgia support group in being hosted in partnership between the Fibromyalgia Coalition International, based in Kansas City, […]

“Get Well” Fibromyalgia group

The Crunch Grocer 1461 E Eisenhower Blvd, Loveland, CO, United States

We will not be meeting in December. Our next meeting will be Jan. 16, 2017. Happy New Year! The “Get Well” Fibromyalgia support group in being hosted in partnership between […]

Clean Living is the New Sexy! Class 1

Webinar online, United States

Want to feel great?  Have lots of energy?  A sharp mind?  Be pain free? Then, it's time for "clean living!"  Clean up your life and get rid of the toxins bringing you down.  In this class, you'll learn about the effect of toxic food, personal care products, household cleaning products and stress on your health. […]
