Golden Gate bridge orange glow from forest fires

2020 will be remembered not only for Covid-19, but also the horrendous forest fire season in the western part of the United States. As I write this, Colorado is experiencing numerous fires, including the largest in the state’s history, and the evacuation zones grow closer.

The thick heavy smoke brings a heaviness to our spirits as we think about friends being evacuated, animals fleeing their homes, our beautiful forests burning and fires leaving a path of scorched earth.

Morning after morning, millions of people open their doors to an eerie orange glow and falling ash. That includes us here in Loveland, Colorado!

And the smoke is not restricted to California and Colorado, or wherever there are fires. The smoke from these wildfires is spreading across the entire continent, so no matter where you are, you may be experiencing a decrease in air quality that could affect your health.

Here, some days the smoke is so bad, cars are driving with their lights on even at noon. In my neighborhood, the ash is so thick when cars drive down our paved streets it looks like we live on a dirt road!

Dangers from Forest Fire Smoke

Even if we are fortunate enough to be safe from the flames—as I hope you are–there are dangers we are all facing as a result of the fires. Here we get daily warnings to stay indoors to avoid particulates in the air.

Particulates from forest fires are very toxic. If you have compromised lungs due to asthma or other condition, your body is even more stressed by the smoke.

3 Things You Can Do for Your Health

A client recently asked me what I recommend for this situation.

  • First, make sure you eat several servings of fruits and vegetables daily. The micronutrients in these foods provide protection for your body.
  • Second, take anti-oxidants to support your body’s exposure to the increased toxins in the air.
  • Third, get a high-quality air filtration system.

Air-Filtration System Clears Smoke and Covid-19

The air-filtration system I use at home and the office is the iWave-R. This system uses ions to clean the air of particulate matter and it takes out Covid-19, too. Be sure to check the video demonstration on the website of how quickly it clears the air of smoke.

I don’t sell the iWave-R and won’t make a nickel if you buy it, but I highly recommend it. It isn’t expensive, especially when you consider everything it does to help improve your personal space’s air-quality.

I am so impressed with the results! My neighbors comment on the smoke smell they wake to each day. I don’t smell smoke in my house at all. I don’t smell it until I open the door. The same is true at the office.  (The photo below was taken about 1/2 mile as the crow flies from the office!)

Loveland Forest Fires Affect Air Quality

Even if you aren’t in an area with severe forest fires, you might consider this air-purification system. For a few hundred dollars you can have amazing clean air to breathe, reduce the chances of coronavirus–and your house has less dust, too. Heck, less dust is worth it alone in the mind of this functional nutritionist! 😁

Thank You Firefighters

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to all the brave firefighters across this country, helping to contain these forest fires and keep us, and our homes safe. Thank you!

Photo credits:

Golden Gate bridge in orange glow copyright picture-alliance/dpa/F. Larson

Loveland Forest Fire from Brandee Rockett on Facebook