As a medical professional I am deeply concerned for my clients and for keeping their information private and secure. In February I completed a special training on protecting participants in research studies. I want to assure my clients that I treat all of your information with your health and privacy in mind.
There has been a lot of noise about hacked calls and presentations. As a Functional Nutritionist it was critical that we have a provider of Virtual Office appointments that is reliable, safe and secure for all involved, and that meets all HIPAA requirements.
Fortunately, by maintaining strict privacy settings and procedures, the system used by Living Well Nutrition does not suffer from these problems you might have read about.
Stress can really do a number on the body and can increase one’s susceptibility to the coronavirus. No one wants to worry that their virtual office visit might be compromised. Who needs that stress? That’s why we are using a system that, while easy for clients to use, is fully HIPAA compliant, safe and secure.
All you need to have a secure virtual office visit or consultation is a computer with a camera and audio. Or you can even use your smart phone.
Helping clients create and maintain their optimum health is the entire focus of the Center for Epigenetic Counseling.
This is not the time to put your health on the back burner. Use this opportunity to explore new healthy routines that put you back in charge of your life.
Check out this blog post for more tips on boosting your immune system (but please note that in-office appointments are not currently available.)