health management tools

Healthcare’s Next Frontier: Preventative Care

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic fatigue, chronic health concerns, Chronic pain, Health Blog, Pain, Pain relief

It’s amusing to me how health insurance covers a preventative healthcare appointment each year.  The doctor looks you over and runs a CBC and Chem screen (common blood tests).  The […]

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Say Goodbye to the Pain Holding You Down

By Kristy Hall

Learn the 5 top nutritional deficiencies leading to pain and fatigue as well as tasty foods rich in those nutrients, the roles hormones play in making every muscle ache and […]

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The Best Test for Your Health; How Epigenetics Can Help You

By Kristy Hall

Health care is on the verge of a dramatic paradigm shift.  Through the power of epigenetics and nutrigenomics, we now know how to protect ourselves from many chronic diseases.  In […]

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chart of elements in foods

Run Away Anxiety? Use food to calm your mood.

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic fatigue, chronic health concerns, Chronic pain, Health Blog, Pain

Is anxiety following you around like a shadow?  You can calm your anxiety with some simple dietary changes. How can diet possibly cause anxiety?  There are several ways, actually. There […]

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Take Responsibility for your health

So you have a chronic disease?

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic health concerns, Health Blog

Chronic diseases afflict 7 out of every 10 Americans.  And, one out of every three of those has more than one chronic disease. We know that many of these diseases […]

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